Blackjack 25 Litre

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Black Jack is a hybrid cannabis strain. Bred by Sweet Seeds, Black Jack is a cross of Black Domina and Jack Herer.This strain produces thick buds with huge calyxes that are completely encrusted. Everbuild Black Jack 901 Black Bitumen Paint available to buy at great prices at Trade & DIY always welcome.

'As a professional fishing guide, I've owned a number of boats, but the BlackJack 256 is my all-time favorite! The layout allows for great room, so even with four clients onboard no one is crowded. The waters I fish are inland saltwater and flats, and accessing shallow waters is never an issue. Clients and fellow captains are always amazed about the skinny, shallow waters we can access in my BlackJack 256.'

Capt. D. Bourgeois
Barataria, Lousiana

Blackjack BJ-1 is a Medium-class 'Mech in Battletech. Description edit edit source. The Blackjack 1 is equipped for both long and close range engagements. A pair of AC/2s are backed up by four Medium Lasers, lending the 'Mech a powerful alpha strike, while Jump Jets enable the Blackjack to move to high ground at a moment's notice.

'BlackJack is truly a great dry ride and takes the rough water better than any other bay boat I have ridden in. The BlackJack gets me to the big fish no matter the weather, keeping me and my customers dry. Their comfort with a smooth ride keeps me focused on what I'm here for: Leading them to the big one.'

Capt. D. Goyen
Victoria, Texas

'The ride is fantastic. It's dry and maneuvers in open water and close quarters like no other outboard. Because we fish a lot in North Carolina, its ability to plane quickly and stay on plane at slow speeds gives us an edge crossing wide, sometime choppy expanses of rough water to get to skinny water areas to fish. The layout is terrific. Good dry storage. Nice illuminated live wells. Plenty of rod storage. Easy to move around the boat. The fit and finish is at the top of the class. I get excited every time I run this boat and cannot imagine not having a BlackJack for fishing and just overall fun on the water.'

T. Young
Smithfield, North Carolina

'I've been guiding for 25 years in the coastal marshes of south Louisiana. I've been guiding out of BlackJack boats the last 13, and there is not a finer boat on the market. You won't see me guiding out of any other boat!'

Capt. N. Roberts IV
Metairie, Louisiana

'BlackJacks are made with backcountry and near-shore fishing in mind. These boats ride better than many larger offshore boats I've owned. They hold the water like they’re on rails, and also float and run extremely shallow for a boat of their stature. I tell people that ride is everything, and you should always take a test ride in less than ideal conditions before purchasing. I always say if you test ride a BlackJack today, you'll be listing your boat tomorrow.'

Capt. T. Godwin
Naples, Florida

“You’ll never ride a drier boat. After 20 years on the water, that is one thing that stands out above all. My BlackJack keeps me dry in conditions where most boats would have my customers soaked.”

Blackjack 25 litres
Capt. J. LeVine
Charleston, South Carolina

“The stunningly beautiful lines of the BlackJack first caught my eye, and then I was blown away by its performance — especially in rough water.”

Blackjack 25 Litre
R. Kaiser
Dulac, Louisiana
A BJ-1 of the mech commander in House Arano colors.
General data
Stock RoleFire Support & Skirmisher
Tonnage45 t (16.5 t base)
Cost3,500,000 C
L. Torso
  • 1 x Energy
  • 1 x Support Weapon
R. Torso
  • 1 x Energy
  • 1 x Support Weapon
L. Arm
  • 1 x Energy
  • 1 x Ballistic
R. Arm
  • 1 x Energy
  • 1 x Ballistic
Melee45 (+70 instability)
Death from Above55 (+70 instability)
30 damage to self
C. Torso
L. Torso
R. Torso
L. Arm
R. Arm
Mobility and detection
Speed120 km/h
StealthVisibility: 1
Signature: -25%
SensorsSpotting distance: Base
Sensor range: Base

Blackjack BJ-1 is a Medium-class 'Mech in Battletech.

Description[edit edit source]

The Blackjack 1 is equipped for both long and close range engagements. A pair of AC/2s are backed up by four Medium Lasers, lending the 'Mech a powerful alpha strike, while Jump Jets enable the Blackjack to move to high ground at a moment's notice.

Loadouts[edit edit source]

  • Optimized Stock Loadout A very versatile and useful mech. The AC/2 conflicts with the medium lasers a bit, so you might want to swap that one out for a single AC/5 for better performance, and reduce equipment to maximize its armor.
    • Using an AC/5 instead of 2 AC/2 is much more tonnage efficient as damage would be similar but weight would be 8 instead of 12. freeing more tonnage for armor and heat sinks.
  • Energy Version For additional lethality, replace the AC/2s and 2 medium lasers with a pair of large lasers and six heat sinks. Although you lose 20 points of damage output, and your maximum range drops, your long-ranged firepower actually increases by 30, and your ability to dissipate heat improves drastically. Between the jump jets and respectable armor, this build remains viable all the way until you start facing exclusively heavy lances.
    • The 2 Large, 2 Medium laser equipped Blackjack's performance is so impressive that the Federated Suns voluntarily swapped out its beloved autocannons to use this build. In BattleTech canon, this variant is referred to as the BJ-1DB (which has now been added as its own variant, with slightly different hardpoints).
  • Long Range Fire-Support/Sniper Try this for a more significant sniper mech: Drop two medium lasers to upgrade one AC/2 to an AC/5, then drop the other AC/2 in favor of a PPC. One ton of ammo should suffice for your AC/5 in most scenarios. If you find it being too 'hot', dump the other two ML's in favor of either armor or heat sinks. The combination of AC/5 and PPC in your starter mech will carry you until you start consistently running into heavy mechs.
  • Fire Support Another, sustained fire version can be achieved if you sacrifice the jump jets. The BJ-1 can fit two AC/5s, 2 ton of ammo and two medium lasers while keeping a solid amount of armor. This setup deals less damage per ton, however generates little heat which allows to keep firing for an extended period.
  • Fire Support / Sniper Changing the PPC to Large Laser free up 2 tonnage for heat sinks. The cost is 10 less in dmg but can keep on putting out max damage far longer. Especially if you want to position yourself with the jump jets. Dropping the medium lasers for more armour is a good option as well.
  • Other Notes It's really tempting to change the loadout since dual ACs are heavy, AC/2s have a history of being terrible and medium lasers have a history of being... well medium at best. But since the surprising late game standouts like the Grasshopper and Battlemaster are most frequently changed to 7 medium laser boats and AC/2s got a bump to be on par with med lasers, the default loadout is very nearly on par with late game brawlers.
    • The AC/2s and med laser combo will also prompt your main character down the Tactics path to eliminate the min range penalty. Tactics is nearly a must for late game assault lances.
    • It will be lacking in punch and stability damage, but it's also good to not waste time and money on the BJ-1 early on when it's something you'll likely replace ASAP.

Strategy[edit edit source]

  • Blackjack 1s are solid, well-rounded 'Mechs for their tonnage. They typically mount Jump Jets, which give them an extra edge by repositioning quickly to keep a direct line of fire for their Autocannons. The Blackjack is your starting mech, an ancestral vehicle of the family.

Blackjack 25 Litre Bottles

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MediumCicada CDA-2A · Cicada CDA-3C · Blackjack BJ-1 · Vindicator VND-1R · Centurion CN9-A · Centurion CN9-AL · Enforcer ENF-4R · Hunchback HBK-4G · Hunchback HBK-4P · Trebuchet TBT-5N · Griffin GRF-1N · Griffin GRF-1S · Kintaro KTO-18 · Shadow Hawk SHD-2D · Shadow Hawk SHD-2H · Wolverine WVR-6K · Wolverine WVR-6R
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Blackjack 25 Litre Bottle

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