How To Block Gambling Websites

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Find out How to Block a Website using Qustodio's Free Parental Control Software.

How To Block Gambling Websites

You can block gambling sites on your computer with the help of software filters. Problem Poker is offering a free trial of their online gambling software through April 2012. If you are on a website you want to block, click the BlockSite add-on icon. Click the Block this site button. Click the BlockSite add-on icon, then click the gear icon at the top-right of the BlockSite pop-up window. On the Block Sites configuration page, enter the web address for the website you want to block in the Enter a web address. This wikiHow teaches you how to block users of an iPhone from being able to access certain websites in Safari. You can do this by blocking specific websites, or blocking all websites except for those you specify.

Did you know that 12% of all websites feature pornography?

Statistics like this may cause you to ask—how do I block a website so that my child doesn’t see something he shouldn’t?

With Qustodio’s Family Protection Portal, parents can simply click on the Rules & Settings tab to begin. From here, you will be taken to the “Web Browsing Rules” view of the “Rules & Settings” page where you can choose which categories of websites your child will have access to and block specific websites.

How Do I Block a Website?

Qustodio users can block a website that falls into an inappropriate category such as mature content, weapons, or gambling.

Other types of websites such as those with chat features, for instance, can be easily monitored by choosing the “Alert” option.

How To Block Gambling Websites

How Do You Block Sites Specifically?

How To Block Gambling Websites

How To Get Block From Gambling Websites

The ability to block a website category is helpful, but you may still be wondering—how do you block a website specifically?

Simply enter the url of the website in the box provided under “Website Exceptions” and use the drop-down menu to select “Block.” Clicking on “Add” will then add the website to the list of blocked sites that the child will be unable to access.

Block any website quickly and easily with Qustodio.

Download our free parental control software today and never wonder how to block sites again!

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